Saturday, March 28, 2009

Trying to be patient.....

I am not really a patient person.... You would think that the 3 IVF cycles would've taught me patience.... But, they didn't!

We finished our PRIDE classes on March 4th and were told by our trainers that they would get our paperwork that we had been handing in together and give to their supervisor and she would let them know when to start the home studies.... I wait everyday to get the phone call from our home study social worker that he/she has been given the go ahead to start ours..... I know it's only been 24 days since class ended and only 17 of them have been business days... But, still I am anxious to get that call and have a date set to meet him/her and get this next phase started.... Ugh! Each day that passes I think-- maybe it will come tomorrow......

Today has been 2 months since we lost our friend MK... I miss her everyday... I think about her everyday... Some days it doesn't seem real still that I will not see her.... I hope she is at peace.... I see her hubby and want to ask him how he is doing but, am afraid he will break down and I know he is trying to be strong... I just want to tell him that I miss her very much and think of her everyday. He does talk about her and tells stories about her and does good.... I just don't want to be the one to make him sad.... MK was a wonderful wife, mother, daughter, sister, child care provider and friend.... She was a patient person.... I am trying to learn to be more patient too.... I hope I can be half the Mom she was when I am a Mom... I miss her so!

Well.... Maybe I will get my call on Monday-- or Tuesday-- or some day this week :-) For now I just wait and know it will come eventually!

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